Version – 30th August 2018
This update includes:
GrowFollowers :
Follower :
Issue fixed with not following users according to job configurations.
InstaChat :
Issue fixed with not sending messages to own followings.
Issue fixed with not sending mentioned users as clickable.
Issue fixed with macros [UserName].
Improved performance and some minor issues fixed.
Version – 18th August 2018
This update includes:
Added Feature :
InstaLiker/InstaCommenter :
Added an option to mention unique users from all selected accounts.
Issues Fixed :
Account :
Account Manager :
Issue fixed with missing account information after restarting the software.
InstaPoster :
Reposter : Issue fixed with reposting posts with original username.
InstaLiker/InstaCommenter :
Like/Comments :
Issue fixed with commenting same comment twice when “Unique comment per post with each account” option is selected.
Issue fixed with mentioning users when “Upload Users IDs” and “Mention Your Followings” options selected.
Issue fixed with mentioning users when comment option selected.
Issue fixed with showing “No more data found”.
InstaScrape :
Download Photos :
Issue fixed with downloading photos.
InstaChat :
Issue fixed with showing “Message not sent”.
Version– 3rd August 2018
This update includes:
Issues Fixed :
Account Manager :
Issue fixed with verifying failed accounts.
GrowFollowers :
Follower :
Issue fixed filter option “Should have profile picture”.
Campaigns :
Issue fixed with Run Daily campaigns.
Settings :
BlackList Users :
Issue fixed with crashing while removing blacklisted users.
Version– 26th July 2018
This update includes:
Added Feature :
Account Manager: Now we have option for sending verification code to either Email or Phone number.
InstaLiker/InstaCommenter: Like and Comment in igtv post(s).
Version– 25th July 2018
This update includes:
Added Feature :
Account Manager: Now it will show the status Add phone number in the status column if the account doesn’t link with phone number.
Issues Fixed:
Account Manager:Fixed issue with showing account status failed.
Grow Followers:
Follow:- Fixed issue with location ID , getting stuck after follow some users.
Poster:Monitor Folder:Fixed issue with showing insufficient source.
Create Campaign:-Fixed issue with run daily campaign.
Version– 3rd July 2018
This update includes:
Grow Followers:
Unfollower :- Fixed issue with run daily campaign.
Like/Comments-By post IDs :- Fixed isse with mention multiple users.
Like/Comments-By post IDs :- Fixed issue with showing no more data found.
Version– 2nd July 2018
This update includes:
Grow Follower :-
Unfollower :- Fixed issue with unfollowing users.
Version– 30th June 2018
This update includes:
Accounts Manager:- Fixed issue with update instagram profile.
Grow Followers:
Follower:- Fixed issue with delay between each activity.
Follower:- Fixed issue with doing leave comment and like post after followed user.
Unfollower:- Fixed issue with unfollowing users as per given limit.
Poster:-Fixed issue with posting ‘/n’ for new line.
Poster:Create multiple post:-Fixed issue with No of post per day limit.
Poster:Monitor Folder:- Fixed issue with post unique media from each account.
Delete:- Fixed issue with delete posts.
Like/Comment:- Fixed issue with delay time.
Like/Comment:By post IDs:- Fixed issue with unique comment per post from each account.
Instachat:- Fixed issue with not showing hyper link.
Version– 9th May 2018
This update includes:
Account :
Fixed issue with Account Login.
Poster :
Poster- Fixed issue with Spintax.
Some other minor issues fixed.
Some UI issues fixed.
Version– 5th May 2018
This update includes:
Fixed issue with Embedded browser.
Reposter- Fixed issue with multiple line caption.
Like/Comments- Fixed issue with UI design “showing big blue screen”.
Fixed issue with campaign create when select option “Randomly select own Followings”.
版本2.5.0.41 - 2018年4月23日
GrowFollower: -
追随者: - 解决了先前关注用户“XX”到“YY”小时的取消追踪问题。
InstaLiker / InstaCommenter: -
Instachat: -
随机选择自己的追随者: - 修复与spintax发送消息的问题。
随机选择自己的关注: - 修复了与spintax发送消息的问题。
Instaposter: -
删除: - 修复了删除所有帖子的问题。
InstaScrape: -
用户刮板: - 修正了刮过喜欢帖子的用户的问题。
用户刮板: - 修正了评论帖子的用户的问题。
下载照片: - 修复了使用Hashtags下载照片的问题。
Gramdominator - 2018年3月15日
追随者: - 解决了在记录器中显示错误消息的问题。
追随者: - 解决了Like /注释一旦出现问题。
追随者: - 解决了不跟随私人用户的问题。
Reposter: - 修正了编辑广告系列后未显示报告的问题。
Reposter: - 通过多次重复发布相同的帖子来解决问题。
Instaliker / Instacommenter:
赞/评论: - 解决了在这个过程中停止活动的问题。
Version – 12th February 2018
This update includes:
Issues Fixed :
Account Manager:
Fixed issue with disappearing proxies after restarting the software.
Fixed issue with account sending multiple verification codes.
Fixed issue with account asking for verification while its already successfully logged in into the software.
Fixed issue with account status showing failed while its successfully logging in with “Check with Browser”.
Fixed issue with updating Instagram profile.
Fixed issue with account embedded browser crashing.
Follower :- Fixed issue with following private users.
Unfollowers:- Fixed issue with unfollow users.
Unfollowers:- Fixed issue with who are not following back.
Reposter:- Issue fixed with no data found.
Like/Comments:- Fixed issue with just logging in and doing nothing.
Photo Unliker:- Fixed issue with report section.
Photo Unliker:- Fixed issue with unliking non-liked posts.
Photo Unliker:- Fixed issue with per day limit.
Insta Scrape:
Download Photos:- Fixed issue with delay between downloading photos.
Version – 31st January 2018(本店版本2月2日已经升级到最新)
This update includes:
Issues Fixed :
Account Manager:- Fixed issue with showing proxy details after restart the software when delete the proxies.
Follower:- Fixed issue with following users.
Follower:- Fixed issue with following same users repeatedly.
Unfollowers:- Fixed issue with unfollow users.
Poster:- Create multiple post:- Fixed issue with create multiple post from text file.
Reposter:- Fixed issue with postoing duplicate post after edit the campaign.
Reposter:- Fixed issue with showing no more data found for some specific captions.
Like/Comments:- Fixed issue with missing some chracters when using other languages in comment.
Like/Comments:- Fixed issue with showing comments to other users that are commented by software.
Like/Comments- By photo ID :- Fixed issue with showing report.
Insta Scrape:
User Scraper:- Fixed issue with untick filter option “must have a follow ratio greater than” automatically after edit the campaign.
User Scraper:- Fixed issue with scraping users.
INSTACHAT:- Fixed issue with showing hyperlink in instachat.
Fixed issue with disappearing campaigns automatically.
Version – 19th January 2018
This update includes:
Issues Fixed :
Account Manager:
Fixed issue with message showing proxy is not working even if proxy is fine.
Fixed issue with adding same user in blacklist and whitelist.
Fixed issue with account login issue through software.
Fixed issue with disabling proxies for certain accounts after restart.
Fixed issue with “Check with Browser” showing blank page.
Fixed issue with campaigns getting rescheduled and no activity.
Fixed issue with filter “Unfollow Previously Followed Users X-X hours”
Fixed issue with who are not following back
Fixed issue with Who are following back with filter “Followed by software before X days”
Fixed issue with leave comment once followed and like post once followed.
Fixed issue with count leave comment once followed.
Fixed issue with showing action blocked for this account in the logger.
Poster – Fixed issue with updating Monitor folder campaigns.
Reposter – Fixed issue with filter maximum number of post to repost per user.
Fixed issue with mentioning maximum users in the list
Fixed issue with like/comment.
Fixed issue with showing logger messge trying to like instead of trying to comment.
Fixed issue with Like/Comment Unique post from each acocunt
Fixed issue with delay between scraping.
Fixed issue with filter should minimum have ‘x’ follower/following.
Fixed issue with showing report in campaign.
Version – 21st December 2017
This update includes:
Added Feature:-
Comment on post in sequential order as loaded comments.
Issues Fixed:
GrowFollowers-User’s Followers :- Fixed issue with Follow users after loggin in account.
GrowFollowers-Unfollower :- Fixed issue with unfollow users.
GrowFollowers-Follower :- Fixed issue with filter having followings minimum ‘XX’ to maximum ‘YY’.
Growfollowers-Keyword :- Fixed issue with follow users from multiple accounts.
GrowFollowers-User’s Followers :- Fixed issue with filter must not contain specific words.
GrowFollowers-Follower :- Fixed issue with filter having followers minimum ‘XX’ to maximum ‘YY’.
GrowFollowers-Follower :- Fixed issue with multiple query type input.
Instaliker/Instacommenter-By post ID :- Fixed issue with campaign completed without do ant activity.
Instaliker/Instacommenter-User followers :- Fixed issue with per day limit.
Instaliker/Instacommenter-Users Followers :- Fixed issue with like.
Instaposter-Reposter-Specific user posts :- Fixed issue with [ORIGINALPOSTCAPTION].
Instaposter-Monitor Folder :- Fixed issue with Browse button at the time of select folder.
Instaposter-Poster :- Those pics are getting screwed need to crop those pics like we do at the time of post in mobile.
Instaposter-Reposter-Specific user posts :- Fixed issue with showing file path doesn’t exist.
Instaposter-Poster-Monitor Folder :- Fixed issue with showing insufficient source and scheduling for future time.
Instaposter-Monitor folder :- Fixed issue with create campaign when select option post unique media from each account.
InstaScrape-User Following :- Fixed issue with filter should have a profile pic.
Instascrape-Profile URL :- Fixed issue with scraping data from profile URLs.
Instascrape-Users who commented on post :- Fixed issue with Scrape commented users.
Campaign:- Fixed issue with create unfollower duplicate campaign.
Campaign :- Fixed issue with auto resume campaigns.
Version – 1st December 2017
This update includes:
Issues Fixed:
Module: Account-
Account Manager: Issue fixed with updating Instagram Profile
Module: GrowFollowers-
User Followers – Fixed issue with account waiting status while other campaigns are scheduled or
Users Followers – Fixed issue with follow users from multiple account.
Fixed issue with campaign freezing in the mid-way.
Fixed issue with import .csv/.txt file.
Module: InstaPoster-
Reposter:Specific users posts – Fixed issue with logger message at the time of repost multiple posts.
Reposter: Fixed issue with custom post list for post URLs.
Reposter: Fixed issue with posting with [ORIGINALPOSTCAPTION] [POSTURL]/[USERNAME].
Reposter: Fixed issue with Ignore posts containing specific words.
Delete : Fixed issue with Reports.
Module: InstaLiker/InstaCommenter-
Fixed issue with liking posts by Find by keywords.
Fixed issue with like/comment by using post ID/URLs.
Fixed issue with like Hashtag users and auto campaign reschedule after stop time.
Module: InstaScrape-
Fixed issue with campaign report for download photos.
Fixed issue with download images of video clips.
Fixed issue with filter should have minimum XX followers.
Fixed issue with scraping information other than selected options.
Module: InstaChat-
Fixed issue with sending messages to custom users list.